Happy birthday sweetheart
You are adorable
You are irresistible
You are fun
You are loving
You are smart
And you are mine
And I raise my wine glass
To do cheers with your beer glass
To know that you are special
And I hope to make this day also special
As you have made my life special with your presence
By wearing a deep red color gown
Holding your hand firm
Looking deep in your eyes
And heart filled with emotions
I ask for a dance with you
I ask for a lifetime with you
I ask to be your friend
I ask to be your soul mate
I ask to be your companion
I ask to share your sins
I ask to share your joy
I ask to share your sorrow
I ask to share your dreams
I ask to share your drink
I ask to share our life together
And lastly, I ask to smear the cake on your face
Happy birthday sweetheart