Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I can't seem to write!!!

Hmmmm well I am writing the above title so that I will be able to publish this post before I change my mind again. I rarely visit my own blog. Seldom I think of writing a new post. But it just remains a thought in my small little memory. Past few days, I have had ten to fifteen topics to write about , during those sleepless nights. But next day, It all seems vague, which ultimately results in "no post"! I have had thousand reasons for not writing a post but now they all seem useless.I use to type the Title and then just loose the interest to write,it happened so many times, I don't know why.

I can't believe it!!! I have typed in so many sentences in a matter of 15minutes, may be the title has really helped me out. Or else I would be again lying around thinking why I haven't being able to publish a post!! Hope I haven't bored you with my silly ramblings, its just a phase which I need to move on.....

Life is special and we can mold it as we want.I use to believe that happiness lies in getting those big things which we really want like job,money and etc etc. But happiness is just above that, may be I can't explain it. Its just something I have felt these days. Happiness is just around the corner,one needs to just look around.


hitch writer said...

loooong time !!!! hope this time you stick around !!! :P

and I agree.. happines is always around the corner.. we just have to look for it !

Akansha Agrawal said...

It's ok! It happens... there are times when you just don't feel like penning down anything... I've had such times myself, so it's ok... just lie low and let it pass, and if you do get ideas in the night... note them down, I always forget later!!! Cya around... :)

Btw, collect ur awards from my blog :)

Americanising Desi said...

it happens to all of us. we just cant explain the whys and whats but it is there and one day it will all have answers. not today!

moi said...

hitch writer: thanks for dropping by and yes this time I have decided I will write and even others blog too cos one just can't stay away from such things.

moi said...

@Akansha : Hey thanks for dropping by.and yes I will come and collect the award too. :)

moi said...

@seher : Yes your right about that!! and I am so glad that I am able to write now. :) Thanks for dropping by.

Preeti said...

been through the same phase myself ....i have so many incomplete posts ...